University Governance

Research universities nationwide face dramatic challenges in this time of constrained budgets and uncertainty regarding how they can best fulfill their historic role as creators of knowledge, engines of economic development, teachers of future citizens, and centers of cultural creativity for American society. UNM shares in these challenges, and will only face them successfully through collaborative processes of university governance that draw on the best abilities of staff, faculty, administrators, regents, students, and allies in the wider community.  Within that broad collaborative process, the faculty has a unique role in shared governance: an autonomous role and unique expertise in the academic dimensions of university life (teaching, research, and creative works).

As an at-large faculty senator (2003-2005), member and co-chair of the Committee on Governance (2006-2008), as President of the Faculty Senate (2010-2011), and recently as special advisor for strategic initiatives in the Office of the Provost, Rich Wood has worked with a wide range of faculty, staff, administrator, student, and regent colleagues to revitalize shared governance at the University of New Mexico. Wood has also worked with university administrators and the Board of Regents to deepen collaborative approaches to governance in order to advance the core academic mission of research, teaching, and service. See for more information on the structures of shared governance, the Faculty Constitution, recent newsletters, and current documents related to university governance at the University of New Mexico. See the American Association of University Professors for information on shared governance and faculty organizing more broadly.